Morning Entrance and Traffic
Students driven to school will be dropped off in the carline. They will enter the building through door 12 and go to their assigned classrooms. Parents are to remain in their cars to keep the carline moving. This is a kiss-and-go area, so please work with your child to independently unbuckle, open the door, exit the vehicle, and close the car door.
Students arriving by bus will be dropped off at the main entrance and enter through door 1.
Students walking to school will enter and exit through door 4. Please remind your children not to cross the parking lot, as buses will be coming and going. They must walk on the sidewalk and cross by the gym's walking path.
Supervision at arrival doors (Door 4 for walkers and Door 12 for carline) starts at 8:05 am. Please remember that only children can exit the car on the right side, and only staff can park in the parking lot. Buses are the only vehicles allowed in the main entrance and parking lot during arrival and dismissal times.
Dismissal Procedures
Students driven to school
During dismissal, an adult will call your student on the walkie-talkie as you pull into the carline near door 12. Students will line up in their assigned spots and wait for the carline supervisors to direct them to their cars. For their safety, please do not tell your child to get in the car as you wait. By the time you reach your assigned spot, your child will be waiting at their designated cone/spot. For everyone's safety, the carline is a NO CELL area; please refrain from using your cell phone while in the carline.
Carline and walkers are dismissed at 3:00 pm, If your child is regularly driven to school, please email our Assistant Principal, Mrs. Zapata (jzapata@elmhurst205.org), with your child/children's names and their teacher’s name so we can make a car sign for you to place on your windshield. This will make it easier for the carline supervisor to have the children ready when you pull up.
Students taking the bus will be dismissed through door 1.
Students walking home will be dismissed through door 4.